Exodus 14

Exodus 14 Summary As the Israelites are fleeing Egypt, God has Moses sent to a specific place to camp to provide trap the Egyptians. Beyond that even hardens the Pharaoh’s heart again. The Pharaoh, under control, takes hundreds of chariots into the desert to pursue the Israelites that appear to be trapped at the shoreline. Again, …

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Genesis 9

Genesis 9 Now that everyone and everything is dead, God wants Noah and his boys (oh, and wives, but whatever) to fill the earth again.  He promises to be nicer next time, but still has some rules.  These are mostly about blood. Oh, but look, a rainbow!  God says that this minor trick of light refracting …

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Genesis 6

Genesis 6 This is apparently the first time God starts giving a damn about daughters.  It’s also when he decides to wipe out almost all of mankind.  It’s hard to think this is just a coincidence. The opening of the chapter has a lot of oddities that need mentioning.  The narrative seems to be making a distinction between “sons …

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Genesis 4

Genesis 4 This is the iconic story of Cain and Abel. We need to be clear at the outset.  What Cain did was wrong.  At all times, from all perspectives, Cain was just wrong.  It was murder.  It doesn’t matter his reasons or what he felt, it was wrong to decide for himself that his brother …

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