Genesis 27

Genesis 27

Sibling rivalry. Jacob tricks old, blind Isaac (at his mother’s insistence) into giving him a blessing meant for Esau. Rebekah takes advantage of her husband’s bad eyesight by dressing Jacob in Esau’s clothes and putting hairy skins on him. The upshot is that Jacob gives Isaac food and Isaac blesses him a whole lot. Esau us upset about getting tricked out of stuff (again) and Isaac can’t do anything about it now.

The problem here is the blessing. Is this Isaac’s blessing, or from God? If it’s from Isaac, I don’t see how it’s not just magic. If it’s from God, apparently God can be fooled by wearing different clothes. That, or he is bound by the word of someone who CAN be fooled.

Isaac end up giving Esau a different blessing, one that isn’t so good. He will be subject to Jacob, but will eventually rebel.

Esau plans to kill Jacob so Rebekah sends Jacob away. She tells Isaac she is unhappy with the Hittite women they live among. Didn’t Esau marry Hittites? Why is he still Isaac’s favorite?

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